Bill North’s Cattle Dip & Well
The cattle dip built by Bill North at Adder Rock about 1895 is believed to be the oldest known surviving European structure at Point Lookout. In February 1894, North applied for a 10 sq mile occupational grazing lease at Point Lookout. He paid one year’s rent and as he never renewed the lease, he was a squatter for the rest of his time. It is believed he brought his cattle to the Island by swimming them across from Southport to Stradbroke and then walking the cattle to the northern point of the Island. This was possible because Stradbroke Island had not yet separated into its north and south sections. Over the years, North established camps in different locations. One at the head of South Gorge was a more permanent camp for his stockmen. Long-term residents of Point Lookout believe North dug the Mooloomba Rd well to supply his early camps with water. It is known that his South Gorge camp was established by 1902 when North’s stockmen helped sailors from the wrecked Prosperity. In 1903, North was contracted to provide beef for the Benevolent Asylum. North retired in 1930 and left the island, returning some time later as an inmate of the Asylum. He died in the Asylum in 1936 and is buried in an unmarked grave in the Dunwich Cemetery. Listed on the Register of the National Trust of Queensland.