The Quandamooka Yoolooburrabee Aboriginal Corporation (QYAC) is a Registered Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) created under the Native Title Act 1993 to manage the recognised Native Title rights and interests of the Quandamooka people following the determination on the 4 July 2011.

QYAC has approximately 550 members and has the largest membership of all PBC’s in Australia. QYAC is now also the registered Cultural Heritage Body under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld). It is responsible for cultural heritage management across the Quandamooka estate.

Quandamooka territory, known as ‘Country’, comprises the waters and lands of and around Moorgumpin (Moreton Island), Minjerribah, the Southern Moreton Bay islands and South Stradbroke Island. It includes the mainland from the mouth ofthe Brisbane River, Wynnum, Chandler, Lytton, Belmont, Tingalpa, south to Cleveland, to the Logan River. Quandamooka Country crosses the boundaries of four Queensland local governments.

Content based on www.qyac.net.au

Photo of Yulu Burri Ba dancers courtesy of: Nikki Michail

Address: 100 East Coast Road, Dunwich, QLD 4183