Kaboora – Blue Lake Walk
Karboora means ‘deep silent pool’. The track is a 5.2 km return, approximately 1.5–2 hours of walking. Grade: easy walk to Karboora (also known as Blue Lake) passes through wallum woodlands with stunted eucalypt trees, wallum banksias, and a heath understorey. The edges of the lake are thickly vegetated with eucalypts, banksias, and sedges, making it a haven for birds such as honeyeaters and lorikeets. The lake supports waterbirds, such as grebes and ducks, as well as several species of native freshwater fish including rainbowfish and gudgeons. Fortunate visitors may catch sight of a golden wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) —a form of swamp wallaby found only on Peel Island and North and South Stradbroke islands—or, on overcast days, hear the call of the near-threatened Cooloola sedge frog (Litoria coolooensis). This walk is an easy grade; however, the path is loose sand and can be hot in summer. Karboora is a place of significant cultural value to the Quandamooka people and they request that visitors respect that significance by not swimming in the lake.